New Construction vs. Existing: How Buyers Choose

a house with a swimming pool

Purchasing a new home is a significant milestone in the lives of many people. For most, it’s a once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. Therefore, you’ll need to get things right on all counts. Furthermore, buying a home requires more than a few clicks on the internet searching for real estate agents. You’ll need to take other factors, like your budget and lifestyle, into consideration, too.

All these factors combined can lead to the tough decision to choose between a new construction or an existing house. Fret not! In this article, we’ll reveal a few pointers that buyers use when making home purchase decisions.

1. Cost and Maintenance


Typically, new constructions can be more expensive than an existing home for several reasons. Unlike old homes, many new structures are built with modern facilities. Most of them carry the NHBC (National House Building Council) 10-year warranty which gives buyers peace of mind and mitigates unexpected maintenance costs. This doesn’t necessarily mean that maintenance costs will run you dry when you buy an old home. That said, there’s a higher possibility you may need to fix a few things— an inconvenience some people would rather not deal with.

Don’t let this deter you from buying an old house, as a professional can fix most of these issues. For instance, a reliable roofer like KY-KO Roofing can conduct a free roof checkup if you have a leaking roof. These roofers are known for their quality workmanship and fantastic roofing service. They can also detect common roofing problems and subsequently fix them. With reliable roofers like this, you can avoid the hassle of DIY.

2. Personal Taste

Everyone has a personal taste, and people like to know they have options. In the same way some people can choose between flaunting their natural lashes or using glamlash eyelash extensions for fuller lashes, you have the same freedom and flexibility that as a home buyers. If you decide to go for new construction, you have the advantage of designing your home to match your taste.

You see, a new home offers a clean slate for interior designs, and this is something many interior designers crave. It’s easier to get creative and make your dream home a reality with new construction than an existing one. While you can still decorate an old home, you may have to work around the furnishing or any stand-out decor because it’s not a fresh slate, thereby limiting your creativity. What’s more, the last thing you may want is to get your hands dirty, especially if DIY isn’t your thing. In the end, it’s up to you to decide how important having a home that perfectly matches your taste is to you.

3. Neighborhood


The neighborhood of a home is another pointer that can help you choose between buying new construction or an existing house. If you prefer to live in an up-and-coming neighborhood, getting a new home or land is your best bet. On sites like AcreBin (found at, you can search for available plots, including ranches and farmlands.

However, if you prefer the idea of integrating yourself within a community or staying close to family and friends, then you should get an existing home. The advantage of this is that your transition is smoother because you can get to know your neighbors before moving.

Also, there’s the case of commuting. Seeing as new constructions are mainly found in the suburbs, commuting to the downtown metropolitan area (which is usually the work and entertainment hub for most cities) can be a long drive. So, if you want to avoid the rush hour traffic and stay where the action is, you should consider an existing house.

4. Energy Efficiency

When concerning modern electrical safety standards and being energy-efficient, many old homes lack such features. Unfortunately, you can’t do much about its electrical safety as sensitive electronics require grounded wiring. On the other hand, new homes meet the modern safety requirements and typically come with new energy-efficient gadgets. For instance, the walls, floors, and ceilings of a new build are usually insulated. In many cases, they have solar panels and dual-pane windows that retain heat during the winter and keep the home cool during the summer.

Due to the energy-efficient appliances in many new builds, homeowners will likely spend less on utility bills, as new homes generate 60% less carbon dioxide than an old home. While it’s possible to get these energy-efficient appliances in an old house, it would mean remodeling, which can be expensive.

5. Space and Character


When buying an existing home, space and character tend to win. Old homes tend to be more spacious than new builds because of the high density of new homes being built. The gardens in existing homes are usually more spacious, making them more appealing to young families. Also, these old homes tend to have history and a sense of character to them, along with interesting architectural features like traditional windows.


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