Bring Your Home to the Next Level: Quick Upgrades You Can Do Yourself

Quick Upgrades You Can Do Yourself

Having a next-level home doesn’t always mean that you need to reach out to a contractor and shell out thousands of dollars. In fact, there are many ways to revamp your living space that are simple, effective DIY projects. From investing in some modern furniture to installing a handful of smart devices, you can give your home the upgrade it deserves without spending too much of your time or money in the process.

Modernize Your Surroundings

One of the biggest things that can drag down space is outdated furniture. Do you have a sofa that has seen better days? Has your dining room table been handed down for years? Does your living room look like it’s straight out of the 1970s? If so, you probably need to invest in some modern furniture.

To prevent yourself from having to buy a new dining table, coffee table, or dining room chairs and benches in the near future, make smart furniture decisions like selecting products in colors that have long-lasting appeal. Neutral colors, for example, tend to age very well, though certain wood shades tend to age your house more than others.


Keep in mind that modern style and modern home decor don’t always mean minimalism, sticking strictly to neutrals, and having everything perfectly pristine and organized. In fact, modern home decor often promotes pops of color and style throughout to personalize a space. So while your big-ticket items, like sofas and benches, remain fairly restrained, your revolving decor can be bold, ambitious, and personal. Mixing and matching textures, for instance, is a great way to add intrigue to your home.

It’s a great way to save money on upgrading your home without dipping too far into your savings account. If you’re having issues selecting products, look at common examples of contemporary furniture design to see what works and what doesn’t.

Smart home, Smart Devices

Smart home devices like Alexa and Google Assistant are growing increasingly popular as smart home systems. Not only are the Amazon Echo and Google Home intuitive to use with the variety of voice command and voice control options but they’re also simply kind of fun to use. You don’t even have to go the full “smart home” route to see the benefits but even if it isn’t a complete smart home, it can be a smarter home. For instance, if you get a smart thermostat and a Google Home Nest Mini, you can control your temperature with a voice command. You can also control various devices with voice commands including smart lights, a smart speaker, a security camera, and a smart lock. At the end of a long day, instead of manually turning on all of your light bulbs and turning on music, you can let your smart home devices connect to a smart speaker and a Philips Hue light bulb to go to your preferred settings automatically.


For the best smart thermostat, you can’t go wrong with a Nest Learning Thermostat. It learns your preferences over time and schedules them as needed. For the best smart speaker, both an Amazon Alexa-enabled smart device like the Amazon Echo Dot or a Google Nest Mini work wonders. The Google Home Mini, in particular, is incredibly affordable and Google often has promotions and bundles on its smart home gadgets like the Nest Security Camera, the Google Nest Hub Max, and their Nest Mini speakers. Smart display devices like the Echo Show are some of the best smart home devices for showing off pictures and watching recipe videos in the kitchen. All you need to get your voice assistant to work is a solid wi-fi connection and the mobile app tied to your phone number.

Whether you’re investing in some brand-new modern furniture or smart locks, a smart display, and a robot vacuum, there are plenty of ways to upgrade your living arrangements without taking up hours of your time. From smart home devices to new dining room tables and chairs, who said living in style had to be difficult?


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